08 - Doddington Zoo

Doddington Zoo

Doddington zoo is a menageries (recinto) that characterizes users into multiple animal categories.

It consists in grouping users according to their behavioral specificities when dealing with the authentication process

  • sheep: concerns users who can easily be recognized;
  • goats: represents users who are particularly difficult to recognize;
  • lambs: contains users who are easy to imitate;
  • wolves: consists of users who can easily imitate others
  • Chameleons: correspond to users who are easy to recognize and easy to attack;
  • Phantoms: depict the users characterized by rejections of genuine and impostor queries
  • Doves: represent the best users because they are easy to recognize and difficult to attack;
  • Worms: regroup the worst users as they are difficult to recognize and easy to attack.