05 - More on evaluations
- Description:: continuing last lession on evaluations
Most common measures for verification
FAR: False Acceptance Rate
FRR: False Rejection Rate
EER: Equal Error Rate
DET: Detection Error trade-off
ROC: Receiving Operating Curve
all such measures depend on the adopted acceptance threshold
topMatch(p_j, identity returns the best match between pj and the templates associated to the claimed identity in the gallery s(t1, t2) returns the similarity between t1 and t2
- it can be more than a result
a score is said genuine (authentic) if it results from matching two samples of the biometric trait of a same enrolled individual;
it is said impostor if it results from matching the sample of a non-enrolled individual.
Acceptance threshold is crucial and depends on our application needs!
A too low threshold causes many type 1: FRR (rejected genuine)
A too high threshold causes many type 2: FAR (accepted impostors)
Therefore, a common good choice is FRR (ratio) = ERR: FAR
Open set
An open set problem is comparing someone against templates, without a claim on behalf of the person.
For example: terrorism checks at the airport
rank(pj) = the position in the list where the first template for the correct identity is returned
DIR (at rank k) (Detection and Identication Rate): probability of correct identification at rank k (the correct subject is returned at position k)
FAR or more specifically FPIR (False Acceptance Rate or False Positive Identification Rate) or False Alarm Rate (Watch List): the probability of false acceptance/alarm
EER (Equal Error Rate): the point where the two probability errors are equal