Dag / What I'm Doing Right Now

Created Fri, 19 Apr 2024 16:07:46 +0200 Modified Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:58:21 +0000
348 Words

What I’m doing right now

Here you can find a list of things I’m doing in this period. I’m trying to keep it updated, unlike all the attempts I’ve done in the past with my blog.

I’m trying to keep it simple, so I can update it easily.

This is also a prototype for a future blog feed, but don’t count on it.


  • 2024-06-12: In session, with not much time
  • 2024-04-18: Small restyling of contacts’ homepage section.
  • 2024-04-17: Oneline-ish thing is a thing now, and what you’re seeing is this section.

Extended log

June 2024

  • In session, with not much time
  • Working on a new project, a game for GBA PC
  • Practicing music with Gameboy, a Nintendo DS and a small synth
  • Finished “Un estate con la strega dell’ovest”, still reading “Exit Reality”
  • I’d like to play more videogames

May 2024

  • The Wall is now publicly available. Feel free to use it!
  • Finishing some books - in this period, “Bullet Train”, but I’ve started another one called “Exit reality. Vaporwave, backrooms, weirdcore e altri paesaggi oltre la soglia”
  • Practicing music with a Nintendo DS.
  • Playing Shiren The Wanderer
  • Many events such as Zona Warpa 2024 but I’ve attended other cool events too.

April 2024

  • The Wall a place for your notes and public notes
  • Finishing some books - in this period, “Bullet Train”
  • Oneline-ish thing is a thing now, and what you’re seeing is this section.
  • Practicing analog music on Stylophone and Pikocore.
  • Restyling of my website… once again.
  • Soldering boards to make Pikocore a board to play music in an “analog” style
  • Watching movies

January 2024

  • Building this website - the only thing I really miss is a simple oneline style blog, to update about my projects, thoughts and creations, which is work in progress and it will arrive a day or another
  • Finishing some books - in this period, “Bullet Train”
  • Playing videogames - on Nintendo Ds mostly
  • Practicing dnb on PSVita - I wish to release something in 2024
  • Practicing piano - improvising jazz is a thing
  • Working with Django to build awesome things