2 results for Competition
  • If the code seems to be finished, then smile: you have not even started it — Me1 Finally, after many years I can participate in an important competition promoted by important associations and companies. I wished for years to participate in the Global Game Jam, at least two years, finally I participated in an important competition. This time the event was organized by Codemotion Team and Tim FIY: official event link.
    hackathon competition Created Tue, 07 Jul 2020 22:22:40 +0200
  • Today I wanna talk about Google Hash Code 2019, my first experience in a code challenge organized by…Google! Cool huh? Why I suddenly joined? This all started from a great person, Aldo, who has sent in a Whatsapp group a link to this year hash code some days before the event. I was amazed…I clicked the link: I never heard about Hash Code and this thing got me excited especially because it was organized by Google.
    google hackathon hash code competition Created Sun, 03 Mar 2019 22:25:52 +0000