Tim WCup Hackathon 2020

If the code seems to be finished, then smile: you have not even started it


Finally, after many years I can participate in an important competition promoted by important associations and companies.

I wished for years to participate in the Global Game Jam, at least two years, finally I participated in an important competition.

This time the event was organized by Codemotion Team and Tim FIY: official event link.

The event took place from 2nd to 5th July, four days full of so much work and things to organize and to do but after all, each of us had fun.

Without my team I can’t even imagine being there: they were essentials for the competition, we had a lot of a great time together (in particular, the communication was so efficient between each of us) and despite moments of discouragement, we did it!

When you have a lot of ideas floating in your mind, not every idea is feasible: you should do your researches and make some analysis: we found ourselves in difficulty because we didn’t know what to present and, most importantly, HOW!

The real thing was after a while when our mentors encouraged us to do more and to produce something: they were right? They were wrong? It doesn’t matter: we everybody had a lot of fun and we worked as a REAL team.

Hope to have fun again!

Best of luck to me (and to us)!