New year, new website?

Hi everyone.

Hope you had a good time with your family or friends on New Year’s Eve.

The act of starting something means hard commitment and sacrifice in our lives.

Maybe not, if you like what you’re doing, but most of the time, if you are not following just one topic at time, you will have plenty of things to do.

Well, when I’ve started this blog, I planned to just have a personal space. Unfortunately this is no more possible: I have started a lot of projects , and I have less time for each of them.

Probably I need to move on some old projects, or just keep them and don’t take newer ones.

Anyway, here’s the thing: I will simply change this homepage. You can still reach these pages at but on the main page I will probably build a custom homepage to present myself in a semi-stylish way.

One more thing: not sure about the language. I like to write both in english and in italian, but sometimes I search things in italian, some other times in english.

I frankly don’t know what to keep and what I should throw away.

I can keep both of them, but it was hard to consistently post each month.