Common Voice @ LD20

Finally the day has come: Linux Day 2020! I could imagine a lot of people who gathers and…haha, nice joke!

This time, Linux Day 2020 has been strange: first of all because it wasn’t attended in presence but online, and every talk has been recorded.

On one hand this thing is so useful: to have something recorded is always a good idea, especially when we talk about small projects where, very often, the documentation about that project doesn’t exist or it is poor.

On the other hand we have missed an important part: human interactions and the possibility to meet new and old friends, face to face, in general.

However, I am not here to talk about this, I want to talk about my experience: although I had recorded and uploaded my talk last minute, knowing that I wouldn’t had any problem regarding audio or video, I was really nervous during the video projection and I was doubtful if all the people would have understood the message or not.

I didn’t had one hundred people (I counted one hundred) face-to-face, but in that moment I needed to be most clear possible to make sure that everybody would have understand.

Luckily, the video has been broadcasted without problems and the talk has ended before my time slot: two people seemed to be really interested in this project (Common Voice) that asked me a couple of questions.

Send me an email in case something it is not clear!

By the way I forget to say what was the talk about: Common Voice - We Want Your Voice! a wonderful project by Mozilla available at

Everything is in italian, slides here, video here:
