  • I am a proud user of xfce4, it is my favorite DE: clean, highly customizable, and without too much fancy stuff. It does its job. However, I could save some time by having certain customization (zsh for example), and making it more beautiful looking: having a system which is eye-candy for eyes, at least this work for me, let me be more productive. Mac-look-a-like Mac: theming XFCE Ever dreamed about having a Mac?
    guide 2022 cooking-with-dag Created Thu, 24 Mar 2022 16:14:18 +0100
  • Arch Linux — Powered by Dag Photo by Isaac Li Shung Tan on Unsplash What about having a fully working Arch Installation - on your machine? Well, it always has been my dream since the first Arch installation ever. As I told you here, I installed Arch on a specific computer, so I have carefully chose my packages. These packages are in addition to the packages I’ve already installed in that guide:
    guide 2021 Created Sun, 29 Aug 2021 15:00:00 +0100
  • Arch Linux — close encounters of the third kind Have you ever wondered about installing Arch in your system? I’ll give you the answer: yes! — that’s why you are here probably, but in case you are not here for installing Arch, keep reading, you are welcome! Well, it’s not so complicated as many people could think, even if it may be frustrating, I am going to illustrate you my own way to install it among your primary operating system.
    guide 2021 Created Sun, 22 Aug 2021 10:00:00 +0100