Dag / All my projects

Created Thu, 19 Apr 0001 15:07:55 +0200 Modified Mon, 08 Jul 2024 10:58:21 +0000
907 Words

The story so far - all my projects

In this page, you can find all the projects I have done in the past years.

I have started to code in 2016, and I have done a lot of things since then.

It is just a memento, a way to remember, and to keep track of what I have done.




  • vimeops a simple import/export command line tool for your vimeo account
  • drfx-django4 a framework for launching new Django Rest Framework projects quickly. Updated for Django 4.
  • lazypiano tool to play songs in an easy way, by transforming each chord in the song into the best shape of that chord to make you switch between each chord without stress and fatigue.
  • chi vuol essere nintendaro a website created just for fun to answer the question “what Nintendo DS is it perfect for me?”. Developed in a couple of hours.
  • venerdibenessere.it website created to embrace the tranquillity of Friday, to mentally prepare people to weekend, in terms of work productivity.
  • ansible devkitpro role to install on your own machine devkits for console development in a much easier way
  • GBDev since 2021, I have developed some routes in the backend and some scrapers to create the Homebrew Hub, a huge database with tons of homebrews and games for your Game Boy.

Past works

2022MozItaReBot MozillaItalia official Telegram Bot.
2022Magic startup sh magic script which setup an arch pc for the first time.
2022Stufftrack tracker for your stuff (implemented: books and videogames). University project.
2021DBHelpertool to better understand databases. It calculates 3NF, minimal coverage, primary keys and does other interesting calculations.
2021UniQuizzes or herecustom implementation of JSQuizee, a simple JS engine for your quizzes (client-side only).
2020Risc V Exercisesthis was the only place in 2020 where to find exercises in Risc V.
2020yafs-flutter-shopsimple shop made in material design using Flutter Web. It uses FakeStoreAPI.
2020another-one-the-gamesimple game that uses Deepspeech. It works in italian. You should answer to questions giving a wrong answer by saying it loud.
2020Architecture HelperJava tool to draw assembly pipeline of a CPU, calculate hit and miss cache, tlb calc
2020nesdoug-nes-guideNesdoug’s noob-proof and easy guide on how to program on the Nintendo NES. Created a more convenient and comfortable way to browse and read it.
2019GitNarwhalWIP Cross-platform git client for Windows and Linux. Development seems to have stopped due to lack of time and interests, although a PoC has been developed.
2019MastermindJSMastermind adaption in JavaScript. School project.

Unreleased stuff (to public)

2024MariAIAn AI powered by ChatGPT, Python and other modules. University project.
2023ML vs LPBHComparing performances for face recognition between LPBH and Facenet. University project.
2023AnonyfansExprime yourself in an anonymous way with this brand new social. University project.
2023JJBotTelegram bot to manage queue in a webradio. Commissioned by a friend of mine.
2023Project ADTan infrastructure to send reports during red and blue team, in order to evaluates in a better way the score during the cyber challenges.
2022Rating Sapienzaapp extension to let you review courses. University project.
2020Plague Inc Sapienzaepidemic simulator inspired to Plague Inc. University project.
2020Flippiounreleased game for Android, inspired to Voltorb Flip minigame
2019GitNarwhalWIP Cross-platform git client for Windows and Linux. Development seems to have stopped due to lack of time and interests, although a PoC has been developed.

Other things I have done

  • CV Project Organizer: beta contest and final contest (in April)
  • Common Voice App Beta Tester: beta tester for the application “CV Android”, which helps user to contribute to Common Voice Project


  • Tech events I attended

    • Pycon IT 2024
    • MLOps 2024 (online)
    • Webinar “Web For All: introduzione allo sviluppo web accessibile” 2024
    • Linux Day 2023
    • Maker Faire 2023
    • Linux Day 2020 - speaker - Common Voice
    • Flutter Espresso 2020 - speaker - An introduction to Flutter #FromABeginnerToBeginners
    • Tim Smart Spaces Hackathon 2020 - Entry as Ronnie
    • Frascati Scienza 2021
    • Frascati Scienza 2020 (online)
    • Merge-it 2019: Mozilla Reps
    • Google Hash Code 2019
    • Terni MakerFestival 2019 - speaker
    • Maker Faire 2019
    • Linux Day 2019
    • Linux Day 2018
    • RustFest Rome 2018
    • Linux Day 2017
    • Maker Faire 2017
    • Several events as organizer for MozillaItalia, available here
  • Cool stuff I have done in my life, worth to mention

    • Studied personal finance in 2024
    • Have been to Malta in 2020 without getting COVID (I’ve been there in February)
    • Interrail 2019: I’ve been to Berlin, Krakow, Warsaw, Vienna, Bratislava, Zagreb, Ljubljana
  • Other contributions

    • mozitahub_bot: official bot used by the Italian community on Telegram.
      I added a feature which every time MozillaItalia’s Twitter Account makes a tweet or a retweet,
      it will be forwarded on the main MozillaItalia’s Channel for the updates, in this way we have stop to use another third party service.
      Additionally, in this repo I did other things as:
      • some new commands
      • refactoring and cleaning the code, making it more readable
      • beta testing
    • mozitaantispam_bot: beta tester of Telegram Mozilla Italian community Antispam bot
    • MITADS - MozillaItalia Deepspeech Model: qallme importer and TedTalks importer for dataset, reviewing some sentences for Common Voice
    • Pubblicare il tuo Sito: an article translated for Mozilla MDN